

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oops... Up!

 Oops I gained this past week. 1.8lbs.  I am bloated, and let me be honest, probably did not eat all that well either. 

This week I get back on track.  Oh yes I will!  I am going to focus on drinking a lot of water and eating a lot of fruit and veggies.

 I need to get more exercise into my week... I am going to try planing and adding it to my iphone as a pop up.  What does everybody else do? Are there any great apps out there?

I am going to purchase a light so that maybe I can walk at night after work.  I work two jobs, and need to make time to exercise.  Even if it is only for 30 mins a day. I will probably do 60 mins but I am going to aim for 30mins. 

Went for a great 8km walk on Sunday.  It was the first nice warm day here in Victoria. We walked along Dallas Rd.  grabbed an iced latte and then walked back.

So the plans for this week...

1) 4 kickboxing classes
2) Saturday Night Movie night - save points for popcorn
3) stay on plan
4) meal plan


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