

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm just sayin' you could do better...

Well the shirt says it all, I could had done better this weekend.  I worked out more this past week than I have in years.  I jogged 3 times, went for 2 long walks, and did an extra kickboxing class....  That was the good... the bad... I ate pretty crappy.  Not super horrible where I want to kick myself, but enough to shake my head.  Best part is I actually know the reason, I got discouraged when I stepped on the scale and it said 211.0, guess what I got! You guessed right! TOM! I should know better then to give in to the cravings. 

So the plan for this week:
Couch to 5k - 3 times this week
Kickboxing - 3 classes this week
Long Walk 1 time this week.

Plan this weeks food ahead of time.

Create my May Foodie Penpal Box.

I am going to try and take pictures of  the food that I eat starting tomorrow... Hmm this might be the biggest challenge of the week.

1 comment:

  1. A visit from Aunt Flo is one thing I'll never have to worry about, with subsequent cravings. Hope cravings aren't too bad. Seven exercise sessions sounds quite an achievement, hopefully I can manage that number as well.
